This past weekend, my friends and I got together for our monthly book club. We choose books that have been or will be made into movies; that way the slackers can just watch the movie version or wikipedia it :). I think there are almost 20 of us in the book club now. Usually about 6-8 girls attend depending on who is available. This month's book was The Help, by Kathryn Stockett.

Now I don't know if you've ever been to a book club but ours is mostly a girl's night with a little talk of the book. We mostly spend the night drinking lots of wine, catching up, chatting about relationships, visits to the therapist, who Jennifer Aniston is dating and more.
This time almost everyone read the book, which is a new record for us! We also talked about this book more than we have ever talked about any other book. I think that just goes to show you what a hit The Help is!
Did you know The Help was rejected 60 times before someone wanted to publish it? Now it's a best seller and has been the number one movie for several weeks now. I bet all those people who rejected it are kicking themselves right now.
Have you been reading The Help along with us? We hope so.
Here are a couple questions/topics that we brought up during our book club.
What did you think of the book?
Who was your favorite character? Ours was a mix between Aibileen and Celia.

Who was your favorite character? Ours was a mix between Aibileen and Celia.
What do you think about Aibileen being given the Miss Myrna columns? We liked it and that she was to be paid the same rate as Skeeter. That job mixed with the profits from future sales of the book, she really will be able to start her life over.
Did you know Kathryn Stockett had a maid growing up herself? She wanted to write a book from the voice of "The Help" and didn't want it to be the stereo-typical version like you see in the movies.
Let us know your thoughts about The Help!
We will announce our next virtual book club pick soon, so stay tuned!