Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Kelly's #1 Fan!

I am a huge fan of Kelly Clarkson! And I'm not afraid to admit it. I have followed and loved her since she was on American Idol. I have all her albums on my phone and I've been to at least two concerts. I'm proud to be there among all the teenie-boppers.  I know all the lyrics and sing them at the top of my lungs! 

Kelly (we are on a first name basis) and her songs have gotten me through a huge break-up. Her words were speaking to me! Since You Been Gone came out at just the time I needed it. I would request it at every bar I went to, my friends and I would dance and sing at the top of my lungs then too. Wasn't the way to pick up many boys at the time, but she was just what I needed. All her songs were about being strong and moving on!

I still love her today and am pumped about her new album coming out! Her latest single just came out. Check it out below.

Oh and I can recommend some of my favorite songs, if you want to download them :) Awesome for your ipod when working out too!

Addicted, Walk Away and Gone, from her Breakaway album

One Minute and Sober, from My December

Check out her new single here! And let me know what you think!

PREMIERE: Kelly Clarkson's 'Mr. Know It All' | Celebrity Buzz - 103.5 KISS FM - CHICAGO

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